This short documentary about Lola, a Haitian immigrant in Brooklyn, tells the story of immigration — its usual low-paying jobs — but in the case of immigrants from Haiti it means coping with racial and language prejudices while also being associated with the much maligned and grossly misunderstood religion, vodou. Given this discrimination, it’s understandable that many Haitians claim they do not believe in or practice vodou. Lola is proud of her religion. She may clean houses during the day in Manhattan, but at night she returns to her role as healer and spiritual leader in her Brooklyn home. This doc offers a glimpse of a voodou practioner and the rich cultural life of an immigrant family and community that remains largely a mystery to other New Yorkers.
We travel by subway from Lola’s house-cleaning job in Manhattan back to her matrilineal family in Brooklyn where she transforms into a manbo, a vodou priestess. We see her altars and witness her healing sessions with “clients” and practitioners. They complain of job problems, heart-aches, difficulties with children. Lola does a card reading and with another practitioner, a sacred bath.
Lola lives with her daughter, Maggie, who works in a fast-food restaurant and is raising two children. Two of Lola’s young sons also live with them. Just as Lola received her spiritual training from her mother, Maggie is also a vodou initiate, a priestess in training and helps her mother prepare for ceremonies — birthday parties for the spirits in their Brooklyn basement.
“When I came to New York as a young woman, I didn’t think I needed the spirits anymore ,” Lola says. “But I was wrong. The spirits have helped me a lot here.” Lola describes the difficulties of earning a living, struggling with English, making her way in the city. “Yes, I needed those spirits to survive my life. The spirits protect me. That’s why I serve the spirits.”

Maggie and Lola describe the lies that are told about vodou, the religion which has sustained them. “So many lies,” repeats Maggie. The spirits are familiar characters to their vodou family. They have very human traits each one is usually symbolized by a Catholic saint in this syncretic religion. Lola’s altars embrace a wide range of symbols, Jesus on a cross beside a candle with a skull and cross bones, beside foods that the spirits like — popcorn and coffee.

We watch as Lola and Maggie prepare for a ceremony or party for the spirits. They decorate their house much like you would prepare for a birthday party. The dining table is spread with cakes and cookies, grapes and watermelon, candles and objects that they believe the saint enjoys. Streamers are strung across the ceiling. Lola anoints the space with her asson — her sacred beaded rattle. On her lineoleum floor she draws a veve — a symbol for the saint who is being celebrated and called upon here. It’s all a far cry from a hounfor or vodou temple in Haiti on a dirt floor with its sacred pole at the center around which veves are usually drawn and the ceremony with its dancing and possession take place.
In a final sequence of images we see Lola being possessed by various spirits. Cousin Zaka – the saint of agriculture, Papa Ghede – who protects children and the sick and hangs out in the cemetery, or Ogoun, the most powerful of all. The spirits dispense advice through Lola who they are “riding.” Part devotion and faith, part healing and guidance, part theater and entertainment, it’s all integrated at this party. A chicken will be sacrificed and cooked and everyone will share in the food. Yes, a good party.

Bonsuar a la societe..i ‘ interésting about voodoo..how i can lean more about this religion?
I would l Ike to g et spritual help as soon as possible for my fam Iily
I want to know if you do love spells.
Thank you
How can I find a practicing voodoo priestess in Brooklyn NY. Thank you
I would like to be initiated.
Dear Lisa,
Thank you for visiting this page. Mama Lola is now retired, but I will forward your note to her and her family. Best, Gail Pellett
I’m of Haitian descent and also looking for Voodoo priestess in the NYC area.
I so really need to talk to a voodoo priestess because me and my family need prayer and help. Anyone with information that would help us would so be appreciated
I really need to talk to a voodoo priestess asap .anyone with information the would help me thanks
I need some help with my marriage. Someone is trying hard to destroy my marriage. Can you help please
How can I get a reading I live in nyc thanks
I am sorry, but this webpage about Mama Lola is not a service website. She has retired and I cannot forward your requests.
Hi Ms Pellett, I am contacting you because there’s a website that is currently open that says Mama Lola is the High Priestess/ Spell Caster that performs her own work and promoting her books, biography and services to anyone who needs them. Since your article says she’s retired, how can that be? Everything appears to be in order down to the photos, books,videos, contact information, emails and phone number where the office can be reached. How could this be if she’s retired? I don’t want to be taken advantage of and that’s why I’m asking you for your help. I would rather know if there are other Priestess of high respect for their legitimate true work that you can recommend if indeed the website is fraudulent. Thank You.
Dear Monica, thank you for taking the time to comment on this site. I do not know about the website you mention, but Mama Lola’s daughter and granddaughter do continue in her fine legacy. I do not believe it is a fraudulent site.
Hi Gail,
My name is Willem. I am reaching out on behalf of a friend who would like to speak with Mama Lola or her daughters about the importance of voodou. She is trying to get more in touch with her roots and thought that speaking with them about Voodou might help her. Thank you for your time and any help you might be able to provide.
All the best
Hi Willem, thank you for contacting me through my archival website. I have forwarded your message to Mama Lola’s granddaughter. She will contact you if appropriate. In the meantime, there are wonderful books to check out: Mama Lola by Karen Brown, or books by Elizabeth McAllister. There are also documentary films by Karen Kramer about Brooklyn based voodou priestesses other than Mama Lola. I have not been keeping up with the scholarship in the field, but I’m sure it is quite rich. On my site, there are some very short videos that I made back in the late 70s with a number of Haitian artists who are voodouists or draw from that vibrant tradition. There is also a 20 min.video about Ra-Ra — an Easter week celebration with plenty of voodou elements. Of course, one of the earliest western filmmakers about voodou was Maya Daren. Good luck in this fascinating journey! Gail
Hi is there someone else to speak too since she’s retired..I love in Brooklyn ny And I went to New Orleans Last year To visit the voodoo Palace..Since I’m some what of a gifted person my self I would like to share what I’ve experienced there..Thank You
Thank you for visiting my archival website. I get requests like yours every day and cannot answer them all or satisfy your interest or concerns since Mama Lola’s family have not responded to my forwarded emails. I am sorry that I cannot help your search. Good luck in your quest. Gail
I was born in Haiti and came here at a very young age. My family used to practice voodoo but they stopped so many years ago. I’m interested in learning the religion. Any referral to any Brooklyn place as a start? thank you for your help.
Hi Wes, Thanks for taking time to comment on my archival website. I cannot suggest much other than perhaps looking at some of the thread below in terms of suggestions for research and contacts. You could go to any botannical store in Flatbush and ask for references. They might know. I cannot give out other names and contacts on my website. Good luck!
I am interested in Vodon. I was first initiated by my father and passed before I could go to the next step, I have tracing Mama Lola for two years, I met one of her spiritual child. He told me he would introduce me to the daughter. I know Mama Lola has retire, I just do not want to put into the wrong hands. I take this very serious and there seem to be people who just want money and not services the Los. Please assist me.
Dear Makuta, Thank you for taking the time to read and write on my archival website. Unfortunately, I cannot help you with contacts with Mama Lola or her family. I get dozens of requests every week for help. This is not a service site, but rather a documentary site. In previous comments posted on the site I have indicated books to read, etc. I am sorry that I cannot assist you in your quest but wish you good luck. Best, Gail
I emailed the website for Mama Lola sent the money and was told that Mama Lola was doing the work the person i sent the money to was CHRISTOPHER BUSHARD HE is a scammer
I am sorry for your experience. I will post your comment so that others can read it. I have nothing to do with any other websites than my own.
I’d like to show this film to my World Religions Class. Can you tell me how I can find it, please?
Hello Marla, thank you for contacting me through my archival website. Unfortunately, the video doc about Mama Lola did not stand up to the ravages of time. It was made in 1980 and I have had difficulty identifying copies that survived. I will try once again to find one but I am not hopeful. In the meantime, if you are interested in films about voodou, you should contact Karen Kramer a filmmaker who has done films on the subject. And, of course, there are the beautiful Maya Deren films made in the 40s or 50s. You can reach Karen Kramer at: info@karenkramerfilms.com Please tell her I sent you.
Hi Gail, I am intetested in learning more about Vodou and would like to speak to someone or attend a ceremony in the NYC area. Is there someone you could put me in n contact with?
Thank you
Hello Tony, Thank you for contacting me through this archival site. I no longer have contacts that are shareable. You may try to contact some scholars of voodou. Elizabeth McAllister at Wesleyan would be a start. You can find her through Google. Good Luck! Gail
I recently contacted this website, mama Lola high priestess, to have spiritual work done, and I was first told to call when I get a break at work. So I called, then I was told, to call that evening, and she will be performing the work for me that night, and that she was still going to call me, but I haven’t heard anything from them yet. I sent the money, addressed it to Stephane Lebrun 242-362-3119. I don’t know what to do…Have I been scammed? It’s a sight that has a lot of information about Mama Lola on there. Could this site be real?
Dear Christina, as I have indicated to many people who have contacted me on this site, Mama Lola is retired. This is not a service site. Anybody who you may have contacted is your responsibility. Gail
Any contact information on individuals that have taken over for Mama Lola.
[…] Lola possessed by Papa Ghede; photo by Karen Brown […]
Could you provide a jpg of Mama Lola Lovinski for my book, Caribbean Women’s Art, along with permission to publish?
Mary Ellen Snodgrass
5591 Ashley Court
Hickory, NC 28601
Hello Mary Ellen,
Thank you for contacting me through my archival website. I will need to check with Mama Lola about permissions. Have you seen Karen Brown’s book, Mama Lola? Univ. of California press who could also provide photos and permissions. I am traveling right now so can return to this at the end of next week. Good luck with your book. I look forward to it! Best, Gail Pellett
Hi Gail!
As you may know, Mama Lola passed last year. My Godmother was one of her children in Vodou and I was wondering if there is any way to get a copy of this film for her to view? It would mean a lot to her and to me to be able to see it. Is it available anywhere?
Thank you!
Thanks for being in touch through this site. Yes, we were extremely sad to lose Mama Lola. I will post something about that on this site. As I explain on the page for this documentary, it did not survive the deterioration of video tape from the late 70s. There was a two year period in the late 70s when we made this when inferior quality video tape was marketed and used (even at the TV networks where we made this), and sadly it was used for this doc. My other work in Haiti was shot even earlier, but it did survive – with some deterioration as you can see if you watch any of the clips on this website. Thanks again for reaching out.
I hello my name is Patrick I’m from Haiti my grandfather was the head voodoo priest but I’m live in queens NY I don’t no anything about voodoo I would like to learn but the sprit that my grandfather left me come talk to me in my dream I would like to no how I could communicate with then